Christmas is around the corner and 2024 is upon us. As the years fly by and we race to keep up, may we stop along the way to enjoy the present. Being present with family and friends creates special moments to cherish. So put away the calendar, cellphone, or to-do list and enjoy the day.
Community Blend is all about those special moments; Creating gathering opportunities where everyone can find a little something to enjoy. Since its inception on June 3, 2021, CB has exceeded our expectations. We are grateful to our Prayer Team, Vision Team, and Board of Directors. Together we steward every aspect of CB. From finances through planning, we work behind the scenes to ensure our programs and offerings meet the needs of the community.
So, What Do We Do?
The Café - welcomes the public in for coffee, to gather with friends, sit alone and read, or work remotely. Serving top quality, specialty coffee, baked goods, and salty treats, we also offer books, cards, and novelty items free of charge. Our volunteers welcome everyone with a smile and are available to chat, pray, or honor your privacy.
The Programs – Weekly: Bible studies, mom’s meet, knitter’s group. Monthly: We host community groups for meetings, recreation, lunch, movies and Fabulous Fridays - a women's potluck with a devotion and sharing. Annually: Events that include dinner, entertainment, social gatherings, free or at low cost. Educational: Informative Saturday programs, like fire prevention, abuse, brain development, addiction, aging issues, etc.
The Mission – Helping people in crisis with immediate assistance and ongoing resources. Our mission is not limited to the local community, but has helped people in eight different states. Some with physical help, medical equipment, financial help, furniture, food, and placement. We do not assist with ongoing needs, monthly bills, or housing, but will refer clients to Social Services or financial management agencies. We offer immediate help that will move people forward and beyond their situation.
Today is giving Tuesday, our hope is that you will share your resources with someone in need. May you be blessed and be a blessing to others.
I Heard the Bells ~ Film and Fellowship – Join us for the inspiring true story behind the famous Christmas Carol - Dec 9, 2023. Doors open at 5:30 for Cookies and Community Blend Coffee. The lead actor will be with us to introduce the film at 6:30. No cost.
Christmas Music at the café – We're sprinkling December with live Christmas cheer. Enjoy your favorite carols on piano, presented by Laura Rader.
Fabulous Fridays ~ Dec 8 - 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share. Devotion and sharing time. Presenter: Mindy Wells. You can sign up at www.perfectpotluck.com Username: Wells Password: Comblend
Ladies Bible Study ~ Combined Christmas Party - Dec 15th – 11:00 a.m. Come for brunch and bring something to share. If you want to participate in the gift swap, bring a wrapped $10 gift. Games, devotional, hymn sing, gift exchange.
Café closed for the holidays ~ Starting Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023. We'll reopen on Jan 3, 2024.
Ladies Bible Study resumes ~ Jan 4th at 9:00 a.m. and Jan 5th at noon. Both groups are studying “Abide” by Jen Wilkin, a closer look at 1, 2, & 3 John.
Team Meetings ~ Jan 6, 2024. Vision Team – 9 a.m. / Retreat Organizers 10 a.m. / Café Volunteers 11:15 a.m.
Note: Café schedules are posted online. Volunteers, please check your dates and other event information.
Line Dancing ~ Jan 27, 2024 – 10-11:30. Welcome men and women ages 8 to adult. Learn all the basic moves and groove like the pros. Instructor: Becky Rader.
Aging Issues - March 2, 2024 - 9-Noon - Community Blend and The Chapel team up to present a workshop on the issues associated with aging; leaving a legacy, financial concerns, trusts, paperwork, etc. Presented by Nick Yzzi, CPA