Easter Sunday is the single most important day of the year for believers in Jesus Christ. Christianity is based on the cross of Calvary, where Christ shed His blood to atone for our sins. What a sacrifice, what a Savior. For God to send His Son to rescue us from death, is the ultimate gift of love.
Christianity is the only religion/faith that professes a risen Savior. Yes He died, but He rose to life, cheating death and making a way for us to reconnect with God.

Here's what's Happening at Community Blend:
We are excited to announce our first Golf Outing, a joint fundraiser with Habitat for Humanity, held at the beautiful and challenging Architect's Golf Club. We'd love for you to organize a foursome and register today. Details
Our Bible studies are on a two week break, giving the facilitators some time off. They will resume in April with love.
The Power of Love – Ladies join us for a new Bible study offered two times: Thursday mornings beginning April 4th, and Fridays at noon beginning April 5th. Â
April 5 | 6-8:30 |Fabulous Fridays women’s potluck.
April 6 – 10-11:30 am.|  Line Dancing -Bibles and Boots with Becky Rader | Instruction for all levels. Join us for fitness and fun. Come early and enjoy a great cup of coffee.
 April 20, 27, May 4 – ServSafe certification program has been canceled due to low registration. But stay tuned, plans are in the works for a condensed version. If you enrolled, the instructor will contact you with further details.
June 10, 8:30 Tee off
 It’s always good to be surrounded by friends! Check us out!