We're down to the last days of planning for our collaborative golf outing with Habitat for Humanity. During this process, I realized how similar our mission statements are to each other.
CB mission statement: People serving people, building community, providing assistance, honoring God.
HFH mission statement: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
No wonder God is blessing! Nevertheless, moments of doubt and anxiety creep in when managing a multifaceted event. That makes us even more grateful when things begin falling into place. We're reminded we're in partnership with God. As we work to do our part, He is always behind the scenes doing His.

Upcoming events:
Book Club begins July 5th |Fridays Only| Noon-2:00.
This Summer's Selection

Architect's Golf Club | June 10 | We have a special day planned with auction and raffle opportunities.
Swing Dancing | June 15 | Saturday 10-11:30 AM | Refreshments provided | Fitness can be fun. Join us for this partner dance. Come solo or with a friend. Instructors: Jillian and Josh LaReddola
June 24-29 cafe is closed for Vacation as The Chapel presents "Victory" Vacation Bible School.
Line Dancing | July 13 | 10-11:30 AM | Join us for the third class presented by Bible and Boots
Demystifying Funerals | July 20 | 10-11:30 | Ruthann Disotell will talk us through questions you didn't know you had. Join us for this informative session.