Burr... It's cold outside. Sickness is in the air. Our bones are aching and our vehicles are struggling with the frigid temperatures outside. Yet we are thankful. The days are getting longer and soon it will remain lighter later. Isn't it amazing how light brightens our spirits? In a world filled with darkness where people need hope, we can point them to light. Jesus is the light of the world. John 8:12 says whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness.
Community Blend is honored to host programs at two new churches. We've launched two Bible study groups at Washington Alliance Church and a Bible study and prayer group at Faith Discovery Church. All four programs met with a good turnout and enthusiastic participants. Again we are thankful.
Upcoming Programs
PrimeTimers - Meets the first Wednesday of every month for a potluck meal, fellowship and a special activity. On Feb 5th at 11:30 am. we're giving a nod to the Super Bowl. So bring your favorite soup to share. We'll provide soup cups so you can taste a variety. If you can not make soup, bring a salad, bread, or dessert. And wear a team jersey of your choice.
Hobby sharing

- Last month a few people brought items they collect and explained their significance. We heard about music boxes and shells obtained through deep dives. It was so interesting we will continue this until everyone has had a chance to participate.
The Bible RECap - We are reading through the Bible chronologically in a year. The classes are a weekly recap discussion of what we read throughout the week. We've moved into larger spaces. This is a great opportunity to invite neighbors and friends to participate. Refreshments provided.
Join us on Thursdays at 9 am, at Faith Discovery Church cafe.
Thursdays following study - 11AM - We also host a Prayer and Share Group at FDC. This group will stimulate your prayer life as together we learn about prayer, share our burdens, then pray together.
Fridays at Noon or Mondays at 7PM at Washington Alliance Church.
We welcome all to come and meet with a warm group of women for fellowship and learning.
In the case of inclement weather please check the events page for closing information.