There are so many exciting events, I can hardly keep up with them! Bear with me as I work diligently to keep the website updated. (If you can help, I'm happy to train)
Ladies Bible Study - Two choices: Thursdays 9-11 & Fridays noon -2:00; Both studying the book of Amos using the newest study guide by Jennifer Rothschild. Choose one or move between the two, both teachers will stay on track with the same schedule.
Contact: Thursdays - Laura Rader -
Contact : Fridays - Leslie Grimes -
Coed Evening Study - "Signs: volume two" Explore the connections between biblical prophecy and current events. Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30.
Contact: Kimberley Jones
Guest Speakers: Refer to our "Events" page for more information.
Sept 16, Friday - beginning at noon. "Self-Awareness through a Trauma Informed Lens." Lorraine Lee Rutgers Behavioral Specialist.
Sept. 23, Friday - beginning at noon. "It's Not all in Your Head, the Mind Gut Connection"- Dr Leslie Meyer Grimes.
Oct 1, Saturday - 10:00-11:30. "Thought Ruts" Learn the four R's based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Jen Finkle BA: Certified Peer Counselor.
Vacation - the cafe is closed for Vacation from Oct 8-15th. Check with your group leader to see if your sessions are still meeting. Check "Events" page for specifics.
Crochet Group begins Oct 1st. For information contact:
Walking Group in session. Contact Jen at
November 12, 2022 - Ladies Tea - 11:00-1:00 pm. Plan to attend and bring a friend. All women welcome to this fun event! More details to follow.
December 8, 2022 - Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - 6:30 p.m. This one is for the team. We love our volunteers and have a special event planned in their honor. Speaker Ben Escow from Habitat for Humanity. By invitation ...
Finally, WE NEED YOUR HELP. We have wonderful volunteers running the cafe', the study groups, and the programs. Now we are looking for volunteers able to help with marketing, advertising, media, website, networking and fundraising. Please email us at - if you are interested, and we will set up a training date.