The Community Blend café will reopen tomorrow after a welcome holiday break. We hope you enjoyed a season of joy and good will. The new year is a time to reflect on the past, revisit our priorities, and resolve to be strong. Life is a journey and we’re constantly moving. If we do nothing, we drift wherever the current takes us. But when we exercise strength, we move through our days with vitality and purpose. As we do, let’s remember to gather, give and grow.
Gathering times:
Wednesdays and Saturdays: Mom's Meet at 10:00 am.
Thursdays: 9 am - Ladies Study on “Amos”
Thursdays: 6:30 pm - Co-ed discussion group “Signs” volume 3
Fridays: Noon - Ladies Study on “Amos”
This Friday - 6F = First Fridays Feast and Fellowship for Females – 6:00 pm - a potluck community gathering for women. Join us and bring a neighbor! If you’d like to bring a dish you can sign up @: Coordinator: Wells - Password: comblend.
If you can’t bring a dish, still come. We’d love to see you there.
For more details visit our events page.
Let’s start this New Year with a bang!